A Consistent Christian Force Necessary to Fulfill Our Calling
“When God changes man by His sovereign grace, He then commissions man to change society by means of God’s law. The rebirth or regeneration of man is God’s task; the application of God’s law-word to all of life is man’s task.” ~ R. J. Rushdoony
A Powerful Worldview
For the past few decades, Christian Reconstruction has been more a topic of debate than a worldview to be applied, and the end result has been a weakening of our Christian stance.
Why has it weakened, and what does that have to do with Christian Reconstruction?
Christian Reconstruction was never in the mainstream, but its influence was felt. You might say it “trickled down” over the years as astute leaders and thinkers consumed our books, journals, and newsletters, and then spoke from a new vantage point to their groups, churches, and organizations.
Though it was often misconstrued—and misapplied—the central ideas about God’s law and Christ’s victorious Kingdom did find willing hearts and minds.
The Awakening Begins
But trying to explain the problems of humanistic statism during periods of false prosperity was more than difficult. When Rushdoony wrote Roots of Inflation in 1982, it was during the beginning of the Reagan Era and not many in the Christian mainstream were interested in such things. The crisis wasn’t clear to most people at the time.
Now, several years after the greatest financial crisis since The Great Depression, the average person speaks regularly of sound money, gold and silver, and has heard at least one conspiracy theory about the Federal Reserve. The times are much different today, and the awareness is much greater.
What’s the Solution?
The same sort of awakenings are appearing regarding issues like big government, secularism, a compromised church, and Christian education. In other words, the issues Chalcedon scholars wrote about decades ago are coming true weekly in the latest news headlines.
Yet, this leads to yet another crisis—the absence of solutions. What are the options for today’s Christian in light of world events? There has been no rapture to deliver them, and the defunct Religious Right has been a cultural and political “no show” for some time now. Where will they turn for answers?
The Work of Chalcedon
Although the times have changed, the answers remain the same, and the Chalcedon Foundation® is a teaching ministry that is still offering those solutions by equipping Christians to apply their faith. This is done via books, articles, and periodicals, and through one-on-one and small group training such as The Chalcedon Teacher Training Institute” (CTTI.org) which is an online resource designed to help women of all ages further their competency as wives, mothers, grandmothers, singles, mentors, or homeschool teachers. The missing piece is you.
The Part You Play
You can help Chalcedon today by becoming an Underwriter. You’ll be supporting a ministry that represents your beliefs, but you’ll also receive numerous benefits including free subscriptions, discounts, and participation in the Men’s Round Table Discussion (a great way to study the Bible and Rushdoony’s books!). To learn more about the Round Table, please email [email protected]u.
Becoming an Underwriter is easy. Just visit chalcedon.edu/donateand select “Chalcedon Underwriter,” then choose your level of support.
Topics: Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Dominion