Chalcedon believes that every area of life and thought is subject to the Word of God as contained in the Bible.
This page summarizes some of our positions. Go to the Resources Section to explore other topics.
Christian theocracy is not the dictatorial rule of an elite self-appointed group of religionists seated at the top of a centralized state. It is rather the rule of God (theos, God + kratos, rule) expressed through self-governing Christians who apply their faith and create tithe agencies to govern and service various areas and needs. It involves theonomy: the rule of God's law.
Government cannot be equated with the state, and nothing is more dangerous or more deadly to government than to restrict it to the state. Christian government is foremost self-government in terms of God's Law and is exercised by family, church, school, vocation, and other institutions and agencies created to promote God's mercy and justice.
The Kingdom of God is not identified by any nation, country, or empire, and therefore the Christian's primary allegiance is to King Jesus and His Kingdom. All Christians together—regardless of their respective geography—comprise a "holy nation" (1 Peter 2:9). Therefore, our primary allegiance must always be to Almighty God and His law-word. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance" (Psalm 33:12).
There is still today a false belief in "salvation by politics"—the belief that man can remake the world through political action. But political change is coercive change, and not moral transformation. The state cannot charge men's character. Only Christianity can do that. However, a Christian should not avoid political involvement because all law is inherently religious and therefore the rightful domain of Christ. We must declare the "crown rights" of Jesus Christ.
There has never been a "Golden Era" for Christianity at any time in history, and certainly not in America. The U.S. Constitution spelled out the limitations of the newly formed federal government in regards to religious liberty and therefore did not endorse a state religion. As postmillennialists, we believe the Golden Era for Christianity is well into the future as generations of faithful Christians apply their faith and keep God's laws.
The Scriptures place a clear limit upon civil taxation which is one of the great indicators that the Biblical model for civil government is that of a reduced one. The poll tax—a half-shekel paid by males 20 years and above—was a flat tax. Because the Bible limits the state's work to that of justice (Rom. 13:1-7), the taxation to underwrite the state was equally limited. Therefore, nearly all forms of modern taxation are unscriptural.
The Christian tithe is the primary means of social financing for a godly society as faithful Christians designate their tithe towards organizations, charities, schools, and ministries that are dedicated to Kingdom work. According to the Scripture (Neh. 10:38), only 1% of the tithe was to be used for worship, which leaves the remaining 9% for a variety of Kingdom purposes. Because local churches demand the entire tithe—spending it primarily upon buildings, programs, and personnel—then charitable and educational burdens are assumed by the humanistic state.
The Kingdom of God and His righteousness or justice must have priority in our lives. Our personal salvation is not the focus and goal of the Gospel but simply the starting point. The goal is God’s Kingdom, His purpose for humanity and the world. The widespread belief of a soon-coming end of the world and the idea that our only concern should be our personal salvation are the two most devastating hindrances to building Christian civilization. When millions of Christians simply wash their hands of contemporary culture, we only delay the day of genuine societal transformation.
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