
Book of the Month

Peter Allison, Rhett Bergeron, M.D., Steve Macias, Suzannah Rowntree, Mark R. Rushdoony, Gordan Runyan, Andrea G. Schwartz, Martin G. Selbrede, Jerri Lynn Ward, Don Wilk, Tim Yarbrough, Chris Zimmerman

February 16, 2017

A series of online book club gatherings, discussing the books of R.J. Rushdoony.

Our Threatened Freedom Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Jerri Lynn Ward, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Constitution, The, Culture , Dominion, Education, Family & Marriage, Government, Justice
Faith and Wellness Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Rhett Bergeron, M.D., Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Dominion, Education, Family & Marriage, Government, Medicine / Healthcare, R. J. Rushdoony, Theology
In His Service Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Tim Yarbrough, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Charity, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dominion, Justice, Theology
Larceny in the Heart Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Peter Allison, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Economics, Christian Reconstruction, Culture
The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum Book Club Discussion
Authors:Andrea G. Schwartz
Sovereignty Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede, Andrea G. Schwartz
The American Indian - Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Biography, Church, The, Culture , Government, Justice, R. J. Rushdoony, Socialism, Statism
Revolt Against Maturity Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Don Wilk, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Psychology, Theology
Tithing and Dominion Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Chris Zimmerman, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Business, Charity, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dominion, Economics, Family & Marriage, Theology
Sermon on the Mount Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dispensationalism, Dominion, Eschatology, Gospels, The, Justice, New Testament History, Theology
God's Plan for Victory Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Culture , Dispensationalism, Dominion, Eschatology, Justice
Noble Savages Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Biography, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dispensationalism, Dominion, Eschatology, Family & Marriage, Government, Justice, R. J. Rushdoony, Statism, Theology, World History
The Luxury of Words Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Suzannah Rowntree, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Biography, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Eschatology, Family & Marriage, Government, Justice, Media / Arts, Poetry & Wisdom Literature, R. J. Rushdoony, Reformed Thought, Statism, Theology
Flight From Humanity Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Gordan Runyan, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Culture , Dominion, Family & Marriage, Philosophy, Psychology, Puritanism, Science, Socialism, Statism, Theology, World History
Cure of Souls Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dominion, Justice, R. J. Rushdoony, Reformed Thought, Theology
Chariots of Prophetic Fire Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Tim Yarbrough, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Culture , Dominion, Government, Justice, Old Testament History
This Independent Republic Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church History, Church, The, Constitution, The, Culture , Dominion, Economics, Education, Government, Justice, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Philosophy, Puritanism, Socialism, Statism, World History
The "Atheism" of the Early Church Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Steve Macias, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church History, Church, The, Constitution, The, Culture , Dispensationalism, Dominion, Education, Eschatology, Family & Marriage, Gospels, The, Government, Justice, New Testament History, Old Testament History, R. J. Rushdoony, Reformed Thought, Statism, Theology, World History
The Mythology of Science Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Apologetics, Biblical Law, Biology, Church, The, Conspiracy, Culture , Dominion, Education, Eschatology, Justice, Medicine / Healthcare, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Socialism, Statism, Theology, World History
The Nature of the American System Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Chris Zimmerman, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Conspiracy, Constitution, The, Creeds, Culture , Dominion, Education, Family & Marriage, Government, Justice, New Testament History, Old Testament History, Puritanism, R. J. Rushdoony, Reformed Thought, Socialism, Statism, Theology, World History
Intellectual Schizophrenia Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Peter Allison, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dominion, Economics, Education, Government, Justice, Medicine / Healthcare, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Socialism, Statism
Freud Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Biography, Biology, Church, The, Culture , Science, Socialism, Statism, Theology, World History
Foundations of Social Order Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede
Topics:Biblical Commentary, Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church History, Church, The, Creeds, Culture , Dominion, Eschatology, Gospels, The, Government, Justice, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, New Testament History, Old Testament History, Philosophy, R. J. Rushdoony, Reformed Thought, Statism, Theology
Law & Liberty Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Chris Zimmerman, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Culture , Dominion, Economics, Education, Family & Marriage, Government, Justice, R. J. Rushdoony, Socialism, Statism, Theology, World History
Messianic Character of American Education Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Steve Macias, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dominion, Education, Family & Marriage, Government, Justice, Philosophy, Psychology, Socialism, Statism, Technology, Theology
Biblical Philosophy of History Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:American History, Church History, Culture , Dispensationalism, Education, Eschatology, New Testament History, Old Testament History, Statism, Theology, World History
Toward a Christian Marriage Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Tim Yarbrough, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Dominion, Family & Marriage, Theology
Christianity and the State Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Law, Charity, Christian Reconstruction, Church, The, Culture , Dominion, Economics, Education, Government, Justice, Minor Prophets, New Testament History, Old Testament History, Pentateuch, Socialism, Statism, Theology
By What Standard? Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Christopher Lee, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Apologetics, Church, The, Dominion, R. J. Rushdoony, Reformed Thought
To Be As God Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:James Zarrello, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Philosophy, Poetry & Wisdom Literature
Death of Meaning Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Steve Macias, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Philosophy, Socialism, Statism, Theology
Institutes of Biblical Law Vol. 3 Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Dr. Shawn Mitchell, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Biblical Commentary, Biblical Law
The Politics of Guilt and Pity Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Mark R. Rushdoony
Topics:Christian Reconstruction, Culture , Economics, Education, Government, Justice, Philosophy, Socialism, Statism
Van Til and the Limits of Reason Book of the Month Club Discussion
Authors:Martin G. Selbrede, Andrea G. Schwartz
Topics:Apologetics, Biblical Law, Biology, Philosophy, Science