
Rushdoony In Italian!

By Giorgio Modolo
October 17, 2020

Brotherly greetings from Italy,

Perhaps a few explanatory words are due. All books have been proofed twice. This is not a guarantee of perfection. As I said in a previous letter, I am not a professional translator. I was moved to do it because I was immensely blessed by Rushdoony’s work and I desire that others be blessed also, even if the reading is not fully pleasant. Actually, I think most English-speaking people would find reading the Foundations of Social Order burdensome, just as one obvious example. Whosoever will want to grow will also endure the burden; of any others I am not concerned.

In Italy I am almost alone in my appreciation and reverence for Dr. Rushdoony’s work but in God’s time this may change through work and prayers. The very first book I translated into Italian forty years ago, Kuyper’s Lectures, has been published this year by an evangelical publisher. Though in time my appreciation of that work has diminished, this testifies of some advance of the Reformed faith and lets me have hope for the future. The total breakdown of our society will hopefully drive some intelligent people to search for solutions outside of man. This last statement sees me in prayer that God will provide a more skilled person than I to review or even rewrite my translations to render them more suitable to the palate of learned people. Although even I am able to make useful comparisons of Dr. Rushdoony’s remarks and even prophecies about American law with our very different jurisprudence (some despisers say this is an “Americanata,” something grossly American), I plead with Chalcedon to join me in prayer that in His time God will provide an Italian graduate in law and a history master to produce a similar work, or to adapt my translation for a wider number of appreciative readers in this language.

I don’t claim any authorship. I take this opportunity to thank Mark Rushdoony who, several years ago, gave me permission to do this. Anyone who wants to improve on my work is welcome.

Respectfully yours, in Christ

Giorgio Modolo

Topics: Biblical Law, Reformed Thought, Creeds, Theology, R. J. Rushdoony, Culture

Giorgio Modolo

Reformed Christian living in Italy who is committed to translating great Reformed books into Italian.

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