Can You Hear Me Now?
For too long believers in Jesus Christ felt that to truly evangelize people, we had to get them to church. The problem, though, left few good options. Either direct them to a seeker-friendly church that spoke in feel-good sermons and enjoyable programs but failed to convict attendees to turn from their wicked ways and learn and apply God’s law—or else send them to a “Bible-believing church” (Reformed or Baptistic) that, while concerning itself with Biblical exegesis, fails to address the cultural manifestations of failing to abide by and live out God’s every Word.Â
Social media has become a new arena for sharing a Biblical worldview, and while valuable and pertinent, it misses the mark if that is where it stops. If we want to see our culture impacted with a full-orbed Biblical faith, we need to step away from our internet connections and find some people nearby and interact with them face-to-face. Depending on where you live, there are more people attending or watching sporting events on a Sunday than those gathering together with fellow-believers to worship the Living God.
Since Jesus Christ is the answer, we must become proficient at unearthing the pertinent questions to the unchurched, recognizing the possibility that “traditional church settings” fail to seem relevant to them. If we believe that the only true need that anyone has is to be in fellowship with his or her Creator, and that all who remain in their sins have a knowledge of their transgressions, we can pursue our interactions with a very definite and determined agenda. Then there is no place that is not suitable to let your voice be heard.
Ask yourself, can you in a few sentences explain to someone what life apart from Christ means for them eternally? Do you even know how to bring a conversation around to such a topic? Are you sufficiently well versed in the law and the gospel to answer tough questions when it comes to how to solve systemic problems in families, communities, and culture in general? If the answer is no, and you have been a believer for more than a week or so, you are derelict in your duty to make disciples of all nations.Â
If we, like the servant in the parable of the talents, are not actively engaged in taking what God has given us and returning it to Him with an increase, our fate will be the same. Could it be that we have concentrated more on what we have to say, than inquiring and listening to what our non-believing associates are concerned about, that we miss opportunities repeatedly? Maybe they cannot hear us, because we are not listening to them.Â
If you are reading this and recognize that my words pertain to you, no matter where you are in life and what position and calling you are in, it’s time to engage in the necessary preparatory work to become a useful vessel onto the Lord. Instead of focusing on the problems entailed in such purposeful interactions, note what R.J Rushdoony has written,
Because this is God’s world, every problem has its answer, and with every answer we graduate to another problem, until we finally pass on into God’s eternal Kingdom and our reward. Problems are thus not only aspects of a fallen world, as well as aspects of a growing world, but they are also opportunities sent from God, to test us, to enable us to grow, and to further us in the fulfillment of our calling. No man can avoid problems. The man who tries to avoid problems only creates greater ones. If we regard them as opportunities, we are the stronger for it.1
Family devotions should focus on the application of the Word to each member’s vocation and sphere of influence, be it in a business, school, or social setting. Christian Reconstruction has as its focus the rebuilding of a culture based on the Word of God. Rather than attempt to repair the structures that have been erected apart from a Biblical foundation, we need to live in such a way that our lifestyle reflects we are building on the Rock! What will follow is that people with questions will seek us out because we are ready to give them the answer for the hope that is within us.Â
Which leads to a discussion of how to cure what ails every individual, family, community, business, educational institution, and the halls of the civil realm. Before we can identify the cure, we need to guide people to see the root of their spiritual disease. Moreover, we need to offer genuine rather than false cures.
False and inappropriate cures are what Jeremiah talked about in 6:14 and 8:11 (and repeatedly elsewhere), declaring, “For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.”
The basic problem of the nation was sin, apostasy from God, but on all sides the answers given were either suicidal or trifling. Instead of facing up to the religious and moral roots of their problem, the people sought suicidal military or cheap political answers. Against this Jeremiah protested.
Our world is like Jeremiah’s. Few want to face up to the real problem. Politics was important to Jeremiah, and it should be to us, but politics cannot save us. If the people are apostate and immoral, they will elect men in their own image.2
Modern churches all but ignore the importance of providing a Christian education to children in order to bring all areas of life and thought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Rather than offend contributors who leave their children under the tutelage of those who dismiss or hate Christ, they provide programs and extra activities to put on a veneer of Christian living. However, holiness is the goal, and pretended holiness only offends God. What’s more, they are ultimately suicidal or useless when it comes to truly making disciples. We must be bold in identifying the real issues.
Scripture tells us that men outside of Christ, men in rebellion against God, are spiritually dead, and they are judicially condemned or dead in God’s sight. Dead men cannot produce life or salvation but only corruption. The corruption of the body politic will thus continue until there is a change in the people, conversion. Until then, all the cures will be false ones, suicidal, trifling, and corrupting.3
When one is sick, one seeks help. How sad when people are sick and only discover that reality when it is too late. We need to exercise our prophetic voice among those God has placed in our path. Â
To hate evil and to stand up and fight for righteousness, we must truly love righteousness. Without that, we lack the moral indignation to make a stand. This is the problem of our generation. It talks much about love, but it truly loves nothing. If it did, it would fight for what it loves, and it would hate everything evil which threatens it.4
The time to start is yesterday! God promises blessings and success in these endeavors if we but trust Him to bring the increase. Then, when we ask those around us, “Can you hear me now?” their answer will be, “Yes, and thanks for caring enough to get me to listen!”
1. R.J. Rushdoony, A Word in Season, vol. 1 (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 2010), p. 139.
2. ibid., p. 25.
3. ibid., p. 26.
4. ibid., p. 119.
Topics: Biblical Law, Christian Reconstruction, Church History, Culture , Dominion