Jesus was born about 500 years after the Babylonian captivity during which Daniel lived, and 400 years after Malachi, the last Old Testament prophet. No prophet had appeared after Malachi, a gap equivalent to that between the arrival of the Pilgrims and today. We live in a very different world than that of 1620; we think and act differently than our forbears. Likewise, great changes had taken place in the intertestamental period, that between Malachi and the birth of Jesus.
​Adam Smith, the father of all ungodly economics, was an apostate Enlightenment Scottish Presbyterian, a great friend of David Hume, that public atheist. By his theory of the “invisible hand” Adam Smith equated good and evil.
In the last issue of Faith for All of Life we featured an article by Pastor Shawn Mathis concerning the application of Malachi 4:6 to the homeschooling movement (particularly the American version). This article has ignited significant controversy among Chalcedon’s readers, which is a fairly rare occurrence.
​Let us become known as those who look out for widows and orphans, however they come to be classified as such.