My father has often been kept at arm’s length even by those who are sympathetic to his work. His concept of Christian Reconstruction was all-encompassing, and when added to his postmillennialism made for an antithesis so distinct that few have been willing to associate with more than a few of his positions.
The world has more fully awakened to the reality of fake news, of various agenda-driven media outlets hijacking narratives and exploiting the misplaced faith of their readers and viewers.
This article is cast in two distinct sections. In the first section, the author explains how he arrived at his current convictions and what those foundations mean to him. The second section is, in effect, a recounting of what the author and his fellow believers are doing in light of those convictions, i.e., how he is implementing them in the real world.
When R.J. Rushdoony passed away in the early months of 2001, many wondered what would happen to the Chalcedon Foundation. The question arose: Can a ministry that began in 1965, primarily focused on the lectures and writings of its founder, survive his death?