As both postmillennial and a Christian Reconstructionist, my father had no lack of big ideas and hopes. It is safe to say he saw his ministry in the context of an expansive Kingdom of God that would give significance to his work beyond his own field of view.
In Biblical theology, the absolute freedom of God is a basic premise: God cannot be controlled or governed by anything outside of Himself. This is the premise of humanistic doctrines of the state: the absolute freedom of the state.
It is a great honor for me to write a brief text to introduce the Portuguese translation of a remarkable and timely book by Rousas John Rushdoony, Christianity and the State, first published in 1986.
In November of 2015, a National Park policeman approached the tour group I was leading on the knoll of Bunker Hill in Boston, demanding I stop teaching about the battle that had been fought there in 1775, threatening to write me up for “illegal guiding,” a crime unknown in statutory law and a term new to our history tour company.
In discussions about sexual abuse, incest, and rape, there is a tendency to assume that those offering preventative solutions are blaming the victim for what happened rather than placing the responsibility on the offender. This can be hurtful to individuals who continue to experience the trauma and betrayal of the original incident.